Snakes and Ladders Rewind | A game of ups and downs

Snakes & Ladders Rewind

Snakes & Ladders Rewind Gameplay

Snakes & Ladders Rewind is a fun and challenging game having roots in the historical gaming culture of India. It is the digital Snakes & Ladders game for mobile. The gameplay is same as the board game. A dice is rolled and the pawn moves spaces ahead equal to the number on the roll. If it arrives on the beginning of the ladder it climbs up to the space where the ladder ends. If it arrives on the space with a snake's mouth it drops down to the space where the snake's tail ends. The game goes on until either of the competitor reaches the home.

Snakes and Ladders Rewind | A game of ups and downs

Snakes & Ladders Rewind Game modes

Snakes & Ladders has four modes namely Computer, Local Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer, and Play with friends. In Multiplayer, you can play against player from all around the world. So gather your friends, and let the game begin!

Snakes and Ladders Rewind | A game of ups and downs